Thursday, April 21, 2011

Is Spring Finally Here?

         It definitely has been a very long and harsh winter which is why the seeing the sun as little as I have... still shocks me. By this time last year I was in Albany fretting and stressing over finals and papers. Now I'm just trying to find my place in the workforce. I made the decision to quit my job as a personal assistant and  gave in my three weeks notice.

        I wanted and needed something more, especially since I worked with the CBS pilot Productions team. The hours were brutal and I would often have an hour or so of sleep before getting back to my original job. Since then I have decided to apply to unpaid internships. I should stop scoffing at them and fully accept the experience and work ethic they would eventually give me.

      It was really great working with Peter again, before this I worked on Young Adult with him. I learned so much from behind the scenes and was able to help different departments. There were certain parts that were glamorous like seeing the actors and the footage from the shooting crew. Other than that everyone worked really hard and came from different walks of life. I definitely want to be involved in more projects such as this.
      With slow but reassuring sign of Spring I will apply and apply until I get what I deserve. I certainly have interviews lined up. I feel so utterly blessed and I feel like it's been a productive year since I've graduated.